Store Wars...
My Nephew Ben told me about this one...check it out here. Another Star Wars rip off but its so funny! My favorite line..."Thats no moon..........thats a melon"!!! Enjoy!
Busy is not an excuse! - Andrew Starkings
My Nephew Ben told me about this one...check it out here. Another Star Wars rip off but its so funny! My favorite line..."Thats no moon..........thats a melon"!!! Enjoy!
Nando was one of the survivors of a plane that crashed in the
Andes in 1972 carrying his friends and family. For 72 days they survived in this hostile environment. This story was covered by the book and film 'Alive', but this is Nando's account of his trek to find help and gives insight into the thoughts that go through your mind in a situation like this. A book you can't put down. A fantastic true story of courage.