Busy is not an excuse! - Andrew Starkings

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Blogger Challenge - Flags on cars

Following on from my previous article on flags on cars I though it would be fun to see who spots the most on a car, even better if you could photograph it!
I've seen 5 on a car so far but only managed to get this one with 3 with my K50i!


Blogger Ed said...

I'm one up on you so far old boy (see my blog for the evidence).

Keep a good look out.

8:58 PM

Blogger Lost in Norfolk said...

Count me in...

12:08 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have seen one with 6 flags on!!
unfortunately being a bit mature I don't have a camera phone so was unable to take a picture, but I do have witnesses to confirm my sighting. Does the person spotting the car with the most flags on get a prize????

7:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there are prizes to be had it should go to me!!! I've got photo evidence of the 6 flagged car! Pabs has seen my evidence - I just haven't worked out how to send the photo from my phone to Pabs for blog posting! : )

1:09 PM

Blogger Pablo said...

First prize is a flag for your car!

7:35 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh lovely! Can't I have 6!! xx

8:05 AM

Blogger Ed said...

The gauntlet has been thrown down, check my blog…

7:46 PM

Blogger Ed said...

Annie's photo of 6 flags is now on my blog. She's in the lead now.

8:31 PM


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